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Feed (coming soon)

Godgeez logo

Feed (coming soon)

Godgeez logo

Focus on knowledge, not information

Focus on knowledge, not information


It was a collective of in-depth information that had to be compiled to kick-start the project. This information was collected from numerous articles, websites, books, and such. But 'knowledge' is what was needed to actually give this information form. Without this, the project would fail. Knowledge would be bridging the gap to make it nuggets of best practices to what will be required to make the changes within the app.

How to translate this information to actionable messaging structures that are relevant to our product?
How to design a framework that puts critical information as primary (heading/ title) followed by secondary (but required) information (subtext/ para) followed by optional next steps or acknowledgment (call to action(s)).

This requires knowledge: experience (acquired or to be acquired) + analysis. These help you distill 'information' to actions or next steps.

© Copyright 2023, I guess.

© Copyright 2024, I guess.